Pharaohs’ oil. Saffron oil – natural source of happiness.

Saffron oil belongs to the family of sunflowers. It is commonly used in the kitchen and has been known as a medical product for ages. Unfortunately – it used to be a rarity possessed exclusively by wealthy and great rulers. In ancient Egypt no one apart from the pharaoh could grow saffron.

hair.jpgThere was a reason why it was so glorified – it is an exceptional oil. Why? What makes it so different from other cosmetic and medical oils? Read the following facts.

1. Saffron oil (also called safflower) contains the biggest amount of linoleic acid and very high amount of vitamine E.

2. Taken regularly, it might soothe the symptoms of type II diabetes, coronary disease and hypertension.

What’s more, it improves the level of cholesterol in blood and – good news for all women – helps to reduce tissue mass (to this purpose it’s recommended to drink one spoon of the oil every day).

3. The Chinese have been using saffron oil for ages in order to releve all kinds of pain and strengthen the blood.

4. The oil alleviates problems with period and its regularity because linoleic acid regulates level of hormones in the organism very effectively.

5. It is referred to as “the oil of happiness” because it increases production of endorfins in our brain. People who suffer from insomnia and Alzheimer’s disease should also use valuable saffron.

6. Linoleic acid (safflower has lots of it) offers some suprising properties for our skin and that’s why surely all women will notice it. The acid eliminates the excess of sebum but doesn’t clog the pores of our skin. It provides the skin with proper moisturizing. To put it briefly, our skin will be well moisturized in a natural and safe way.

7. Your hair are going to love it (from the bulbs to the ends). It will moisturize it gently, nourish, regenerate, give shine and softness as well as contribute to better growth and strengthening the hair bulbs.

8. Also, it will take care of the scalp – it will constrain sebum release, remove unwanted substances from the skin surface, provide proper moisturizing, soothes irritations. It will help anyone who struggles with light form of psoriasis or dandruff.

It’s worth to buy it. If you’re a fan of natural oils, you will appreciate its versatility. If you’re beginning your adventure with oils and their cosmetic side – don’t worry. You can always use it in the kitchen. Surely, it will be all to the good. Good luck!